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Haley Del Rio

Fitness has been a main part of my life since I was super young around 5 years old. I fell in love with being active and playing sports. This grew as I got older and I became a full blown gym rat by the time I hit high-school.


I continued my fitness/athlete journey playing collegiate volleyball while at the same time I started my coaching career. I started working at a Pilates studio in 2021 which then started my love for this type of fitness. I became so adjusted to only lifting weights & not taking care of my body that I never knew how beneficial pilates could be in my life.


Once I graduated in 2022 with my bachelors in health science I became certified pilates instructor. Pilates was brought into my life as a retired athlete with a lot of injuries. I’ve lived with constant injuries throughout my athletic career & now being diagnosed with scoliosis.

I have learned how much pilates could help rehab while getting a good workout at the same time. My passion is to inspire others to take care of their bodies through fitness. I love being able to help others through their injuries while succeeding in their fitness journey. I am so blessed that I am able to help individuals and share my love for fitness. Movement is a gift that has changed my life and my goal is to be able to spread it through others.

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